Kalau sebelum ini, keluar kenyataan melalui mengatakan bahasa Arab adalah “Hard For Brain” yang mana hasil kajian mereka mengatakan apabila membaca huruf Arab hanya akan menyebabkan “otak kanan” tidak aktif. Kini Bahasa Arab sudah pun wajib diajar di sekolah-sekolah di Israel. Ini bertujuan untuk memupuk semangat perpaduan antara Yahudi dan Arab itu sendiri. Nampaknya orang Yahudi pun tahu bahasa merupakan medium yang sangat penting dalam memainkan peranan dalam toleransi.
The Israeli authorities are introducing a new scheme to make Arabic-language classes compulsory in state schools. The programme, which will start in 170 schools in northern Israel, will make lessons mandatory for fifth graders. Education officials hope the scheme, called “Ya Salam”, will turn language into a cultural bridge and promote tolerance between Jews and Arabs.Arab students currently are required to learn Hebrew while Jewish children can take Arabic as an additional language. Studying Arabic will promote tolerance and convey a message of acceptance”But increasing demand from students to study Arabic as part of their school matriculation certificate, the Bagrut, had prompted changes to the national curriculum, officials said. “We live in a country that has two official languages,” Shlomo Alon, head of Arabic and Islamic Education at the ministry of education, was quoted as saying by Haaretz newspaper.
“Studying Arabic will promote tolerance and convey a message of acceptance.” Mr Alon said the ministry was interested in recognising all of the state’s citizens and providing opportunities for Arab teachers within Israeli education. There are some 1,000 Arabic teachers, most of them Jewish. “The state aspires to complete equality of citizenship. We will not deal with conflicts based on cultural identity,” he added.
Yahudi inilah realitinya. Apa yang bagus bagi mereka walau ia datang daripada agama dan fahaman mana sekalipun, kalau dirasakan membawa impak yang positif kepada mereka, mereka akan belajar dan mendalami sehingga menjadi individu seterusnya kelompok yang “luar biasa”.
Daripada dahulu Bahasa Arab, memang diakui ramai antara bahasa paling susah di dunia. Sesiapa yang berjaya menguasai bahasa Arab, Insyallah dengan usaha dan kerajinan kita disertakan keizinan daripadaNya, mudah untuk belajar bahasa-bahasa yang lain. Bayangkan satu perkataan mampu memberikan sehingga 7-8 maksud dengan hanya satu perbezaan tanda sahaja.
Reading Arabic ‘hard for brain’
Israeli scientists believe they have identified why Arabic is particularly hard to learn to read. The University of Haifa team say people use both sides of their brain whenthey begin reading a language – but when learning Arabic this iswasting effort.The detail of Arabic characters means students should use only the left side of their brain
because that side is better at distinguishing detail. The findings from the study of 40 people are reported in Neuropsychology. When someone learns to read Arabic they have to work out which letters are which, and which ones go with which sounds. It is the ability to tell letters apart that seems to work differently inArabic – because telling the characters apart involves looking at verysmall details such as the placement of dots.
Professor Zohar Eviatar, who led the research team, said: “The particular characteristics of Arabic make it hard for the right hemisphere to be involved. When you are starting something new, there is a lot of involvement.” Clearer differences
The researchers looked at 40 university students. Some of the students only spoke Hebrew, while some also spoke and read Arabic well. In order to work out which side of the brain reads letters, there searchers flashed letters for a 10th of a second to one side of a screen or the other. When the eyes see something for just a short time, and it is at one side of a screen, only one brain hemisphere is quick enough to process the image.
The team measured how fast and how accurate the students were when they tried to tell letters apart, first in Hebrew and then in Arabic. All the students could read Hebrew well, and they all used both left and right hemispheres to tell Hebrew letters apart. The same thing has previously been found with English letters. Characters in English and Hebrew are easier to tell apart because there are clearer differences between them than there are in Arabic.
When they looked at the students’ reading of Arabic letters it gave the team a clue about why children find the language difficult to learn to read. The Hebrew-only speakers behaved like children just starting to read most languages – they tried to tell Arabic letters apart, managed to do it slowly but made a lot of mistakes, and usedboth hemispheres of their brains. The good Arabic readers, however, only used their left hemispheres to tell Arabic letters apart.
The researchers were intrigued by this and investigated further. They wanted to know why the right hemisphere was not working when reading Arabic letters, so they set a right hemisphere challenge. Theyshowed the students pairs of extremely similar Arabic letters – withjust “local” differences – and letters that are more different – with”global” differences. When the Arabic readers sawsimilar letters with their right hemispheres, they answered randomly -they could not tell them apart at all.
“The right hemisphere is more sensitive to the global aspects of what it’s lookingat, while the left hemisphere is more sensitive to the local features,”says Professor Eviatar. The team think this may give them some clues about what readers may be doing wrong when they begin to try to read Arabic. Reading hope both young children and adults call on both hemispheres to help them learn a new task. Andusing both hemispheres is the right thing to do when reading English orHebrew – so children’s learning strategies would be fine if they werereading another language
But previous research hasfound that the right hemisphere is not that good at distinguishingsmall details, so readers starting to learn Arabic have to learn tofocus on small details, which is not natural to them, but could helpthem shift to their left hemispheres. Now there searchers want to compare new and highly expert Arabic readers in thehope of finding out what their brains are doing when they look atletters.
Ultimately, they would like to work out howto teach Arabic reading better to children, including helping them totell letters apart and how to remember which sound goes with whichletter. BBC
Reading Arabic ‘hard for brain’
Israeli scientists believe they have identified why Arabic is particularly hard to learn to read. The University of Haifa team say people use both sides of their brain whenthey begin reading a language – but when learning Arabic this iswasting effort.The detail of Arabic characters means students should use only the left side of their brain
because that side is better at distinguishing detail. The findings from the study of 40 people are reported in Neuropsychology. When someone learns to read Arabic they have to work out which letters are which, and which ones go with which sounds. It is the ability to tell letters apart that seems to work differently inArabic – because telling the characters apart involves looking at verysmall details such as the placement of dots.
Professor Zohar Eviatar, who led the research team, said: “The particular characteristics of Arabic make it hard for the right hemisphere to be involved. When you are starting something new, there is a lot of involvement.” Clearer differences
The researchers looked at 40 university students. Some of the students only spoke Hebrew, while some also spoke and read Arabic well. In order to work out which side of the brain reads letters, there searchers flashed letters for a 10th of a second to one side of a screen or the other. When the eyes see something for just a short time, and it is at one side of a screen, only one brain hemisphere is quick enough to process the image.
The team measured how fast and how accurate the students were when they tried to tell letters apart, first in Hebrew and then in Arabic. All the students could read Hebrew well, and they all used both left and right hemispheres to tell Hebrew letters apart. The same thing has previously been found with English letters. Characters in English and Hebrew are easier to tell apart because there are clearer differences between them than there are in Arabic.
When they looked at the students’ reading of Arabic letters it gave the team a clue about why children find the language difficult to learn to read. The Hebrew-only speakers behaved like children just starting to read most languages – they tried to tell Arabic letters apart, managed to do it slowly but made a lot of mistakes, and usedboth hemispheres of their brains. The good Arabic readers, however, only used their left hemispheres to tell Arabic letters apart.
The researchers were intrigued by this and investigated further. They wanted to know why the right hemisphere was not working when reading Arabic letters, so they set a right hemisphere challenge. Theyshowed the students pairs of extremely similar Arabic letters – withjust “local” differences – and letters that are more different – with”global” differences. When the Arabic readers sawsimilar letters with their right hemispheres, they answered randomly -they could not tell them apart at all.
“The right hemisphere is more sensitive to the global aspects of what it’s lookingat, while the left hemisphere is more sensitive to the local features,”says Professor Eviatar. The team think this may give them some clues about what readers may be doing wrong when they begin to try to read Arabic. Reading hope both young children and adults call on both hemispheres to help them learn a new task. Andusing both hemispheres is the right thing to do when reading English orHebrew – so children’s learning strategies would be fine if they werereading another language
But previous research hasfound that the right hemisphere is not that good at distinguishingsmall details, so readers starting to learn Arabic have to learn tofocus on small details, which is not natural to them, but could helpthem shift to their left hemispheres. Now there searchers want to compare new and highly expert Arabic readers in thehope of finding out what their brains are doing when they look atletters.
Ultimately, they would like to work out howto teach Arabic reading better to children, including helping them totell letters apart and how to remember which sound goes with whichletter. BBC
Sekadar pendapat. Melihatkan daripada artikel di atas ini sebenarnya berdasarkan pembacaan tentang neuropsikologi mereka melihatkan hubungan yang berlaku di antara simbol huruf itu sendiri yang ada pada Bahasa Arab dengan ejaan. Kalau diikutkan ejaan adalah elemen yang penting untuk kemahiran menulis.
- Bagaimana otak kita nak menterjemahkan simbol melalui deria penglihatan (vision)
- Bagaimana kita mampu nak kenalpasti dan membezakan setiap simbol atau karakter pada setiap huruf sehingga mampu mengaitkan simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam Bahasa Arab terutamanya dengan bunyian
Jadi, kajian yang dibuat ini nak beritahu kepada kita semua, bagaimana otak kita beroperasi apabila kita mula-mula belajar nak mengeja sehingga peringkat rendah di mana kita sendiri melalui proses pembelajaran membaca dengan mengenal dan mendikriminasikan huruf.
Ya…karakter dalam bahasa Arab banyak memerlukan manusia menggunakan otak kiri untuk seseorang budak baru nak kenal dan mendikriminasikan huruf sebab otak kiri manusia perlu bekerja kuat untuk mempau mengenalpasti huruf Arab yang begitu unik dan cukup kompleks itu disamping memerlukan ketelitian. Dan apa yang ditekankan dalam kajian yang dipaparkan dalam halaman BBC.CO.UK ini, mereka berkongsi pendapat yang mana untuk proses pembelajaran adalah lebih baik menggunakan kedua-kedua belah otak kita. Baik kiri mahupun kanan otak kita. Itu yang sebaiknya.
Tetapi sayangnya dalam artikel ini tidak diselitkan yang menunjukan cara bagaimana ataupun karakter bahasa yang mana satu mampu menyeimbangkan kedua belah orak kita, baik otak kiri mahupun otak kanan. Kemudian, mana yang lebih baik antara kedua-keduanya….Sekurang-kurangnya mampu menguatkan hujah yang diberikan. Jikalau anda ada pendapat atau maklumat, kongsikanlah bersama kami di sini. Nak juga kami tahu…..
Satu lagi yang menjadi persoalan kami, kenapa tak buat kajian kepada subjek Bahasa Arab itu sendiri yang berkaitan dengan sistem penulisan [orthography], sebagai contoh. Kemudian bandingkan dengan budak-budak Arab yang didedahkan dengan Hebrew- English. Lihat bagaimana? Bandingkan pula mereka gunakan otak yang mana satu? Mana satu lebih mudah? Mana satu yang lebih baik? Kemudian ada tak daripada hasil kajian tersebut melibatkan faktor familiarity ataupun frequency [ faktor yang kena ambil kira dalam kajian neuropsikologi]
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